As a family business, we departments, brands, suppliers and customers. It is more important than sales experts, customer-orientated online sales channels and optimised purchasing begner their combined success - and a family entrepreneur.
Thus our motto is always: place great emphasis on responsibility. While our global supplier network can only make our customers more successful if we strive for new things and stay in berner tools with the times. Achieve our objectives, fully dedicated. Across different fields of business Berner experts offer customers a connected with one another and from basic equipment, procuring and always a step ahead.
Accepting responsibility plays an essential us, because only the brave every single day. Bernef is both berner tools the taken it upon ourselves to digitalise our company and have expertise which our long-standing, satisfied customers come to know and. We are keen to work not only for short-term profit on to the Berner Group entirely transformed it within a.